Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Zip line at the Zoo!

 Another bike ride over to the zoo to test out their new zip line forest adventure course.  We've been waiting all summer, and today was the perfect day to do it!

 On our way in we rode right by this deer - she was close enough to reach out and touch.  We told the tacos to be on the lookout for bears, but this was a decent consolation, I guess.

We've been seeing deer all over town.  Some of our neighbors even have deer netting out to protect their gardens.
 These two have entirely too much fun on their bike together.  They sing about hot dogs, about burgers, about ice cream.  S is constantly getting off the bike talking about how hungry she is, and N won't even ride next to her because he can't stop thinking about eating!  These two love food, that's been established.

Away we go down the waterfront. This ride is pretty spectacular, until you have to go uphill all the way home. I told M that he's losing cred as a cartographer if he doesn't come up with a flat route home!
And - finally - we arrived at the course.  We were all so excited!
Papa went with N, just in case he needed any help.  Turns out Papa needed more help from N... go figure!
I can do this course in a bow tie and a vest with one hand tied behind my back.
The safety line is quite tricky, since you have to weave it through the entire course, over nuts and bolts and all sorts of awkward pieces of hardware.  Mamas are always happy to see elaborate safety lines, though.
He was totally fearless jumping from obstacle to obstacle up in the treetops.  Can't believe that's my timid little guy that used to be frightened of his own shadow!
Look at him go.  He would have done the whole thing over again if he could!
Getting ready for the zip line.
It was hilarious watching Papa squeeze through this tunnel.  He said he felt like he was being born... it was quite the tight fit.  The course is designed for kids, so he felt like Gulliver up there.  Everyone was properly entertained.
This one makes me laugh really hard.
Maybe we need to be thinking about a tight rope walking class - looks like we've got a circus performer in the making.
By now, half the folks in the forest were cracking up watching Papa try to fit through the course.  Highly entertaining.
What a big kid.
This Papa sure did make N's day today.
Well done, fellas.

Now let's get some hot dogs and ice cream!
And a quick twirl on the carousel.
S picked the giant polar bear.
Don't fall off your chair, but N chose Baby Zebra.
F got the golden horse.
We popped down to see the baby clouded leopard.  My, my he's gotten big!
S is so good about sharing her ice cream with her little bro.
Ha!  He stole the rest of the cone from her in no time flat.  It's good to be the baby.
Watching the siamangs was a high point today.
They were flying around the enclosure, doing tricks and spins like I've never before seen.
With everyone preparing for back to school, we pretty much had the place to ourselves.
Not a bad spot to watch the day go by.  There was also a giant porcupine right around the corner, so that provided a fair bit of entertainment, as well.
Onto those sweet little budgie birds.  So fun when they land on your stick for a snack!
Multi-tasking, like only Papa can.  He's actually typing an email with his feet right now, too.
My fearless zoologist/ entomologist/ farmer/ zoo keeper.  This one is going to have a life long love of animals and bugs.

Meatball smash?
This is how I will forever remember F as a toddler.  As soon as he could sit up, he's been lifting that right foot only anything and everything he can.  This morning he climbed up next to me on the bench and I almost died of shock.  "How did you get here?" is not a question I should be asking with this much regularity.
The stingrays are still such a fascination.  S did a face plant into the water today, so that was highly entertaining. It's salt water, so I'm sure it stung her eyes a bit, but I guess that's why they call it stingray cove!
Some outside play on our favorite knoll.

This little one is always trying to keep up with the bigs.  He's getting better at it now, much to their chagrin.

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