Wednesday, August 28, 2013


 Uncle K got me a sushi kit for my bday, and we decided to give it a spin.

 It came with a book, which made things a bit easier since we hadn't done this for a loooong time.

 I had forgotten about how much chopping there is.  Lots and lots of chopping.
 N went through and found pictures of all the rolls he wanted to make.  Turns out we needed to get fish eggs and eel skin.  Nope, we're plum outa that stuff.  Guess we'll stick with avocado and carrots.

 All the veggies were chopped.  That means it's time for....
 Raw fish.  Ew.
 S was ready to go.  Step one was to spread the rice on the seaweed.
 Why is this called sticky rice?
 Oh yeah.  That's right.  Because it's really, really sticky.
 That face is priceless.  Ick.  It's so sticky!
 Let's start!
 That's enough sushi to last for days!  Looks like I'll be eating it for breakfast tomorrow.
S decided to just have water for dinner.  Raw fish?  No thanks!

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