Monday, August 26, 2013

Browns Point

Today we got to do a quick stop at the Brown's Point Lighthouse beach.  I should have know with that sky that we'd soon be caught in a summer shower!  Ah, hindsight.

 The weather was warm and the water was cool.  Can't ask for much more than that.  The tacos did wish for their water shoes... those rocks are hard to walk over.
 Look at that belly.
 The unlimited supply of rocks was such a treat.  Usually I'm telling him NOT to throw rocks in the water (aka the backyard pond) but today he got to toss his heart's desire.
 The bow tie was swapped for some yellow suspenders.  The plaid shorts were pure genius.  You can't see the leather belt, which really took it up a notch, fashion wise.
 Everyone thinks he's Superman, but in this pic I'm starting to see the resemblance.
 Toes in the water.  Brrrr.  There's Vashon in the background - we watched the ferry go back and forth and forth and back.
 I couldn't keep the meatball out of the water.  Did I mention that water is COLD?!  
 I put S in charge of getting F out of the water.  She didn't have much more luck.  He's going to be Papa's surfing partner for sure... no need for a wetsuit.
 "This wata is fweezing!"
 Well, that didn't last long.
 We had much more fun appreciating the water from afar.
 This was the rain-happening-while-it-was-sunny portion of the day.  Brought to you by the schizophrenic northwest weather patterns.
 Many treasures were found, including the discovery of sand fleas that you could catch in your hand.  All of which were proudly displayed on my lap, where I had to both be impressed and not gag as they jumped all over me.  Gross.
We made this little friend while we were watching folks fish in the bay.  In between moving the furniture around the beach, we saw a giant salmon get caught.  We traipsed over to get a closer look and I managed to restrain myself from an act of pesca-liberation.  N held it together pretty well and still wants to go fishing, so maybe he'll dodge this vegetarian over-empathy thing after all.  F just looked on in amazement of his big bro and big sis, those two are pretty awesome!

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