Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Meeting Mr. Nigel

Hi, I'm Nigel.
Nice to meet you, Nigel.
My name's Nigel, too!

 We finally got to meet Nigel the Coendou Porqupine at the zoo.
 What a sweetie.  It must go with the name?
 That piggie nose is just too much.
 Kisses, anyone?
 S got to meet a little hedgehog, too.
 And then, ice cream!  Chocolate, of course.
 Look who is starting to feel better?!  Those baby blues, what a cutie, just like his papa.
 This tunnel proved to be quite an entertainment.
 All three loved it!

 N's mask is just like a lemur's!
 I'm being chased by a  hungry, hungry hippo!

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