Saturday, May 18, 2013

Park time

 Somehow I managed to take this time-lapse set of pictures and animate them.  I have no idea how it happened or how to do it again.  So, enjoy.  It's strangely compelling to watch, isn't it?

 Ear infection is all healed up.  Happiness personified.
My girl.  I could just eat her up.
 Can you believe how big he's getting?

 Papa was in charge of pushing all three tacos at once.  No rest for the wicked.
Look at these two.  
 Can you believe that S was up here first, and she convinced N to finally brave the top rope of the rope ladder?
 You can't see her elbow here, but she has matching ouchies on her knees and elbows.  School of hard knocks, I'm afraid.

 Pearly whites.  One taco is loosing teeth and the other one is growing them.

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