Saturday, May 11, 2013

11 Miles!

Today we went on an 11 mile bike ride through Tacoma!  Check out our route, drawn in blue.

Little did I know starting out that we were going to ride from dawn to dusk.
We hit Wright Park for a bit of play.  Slides and spraygrounds - what could be better?
This little taco had the petal to the metal all day - he did the whole thing on his little one-speed.  Well, I guess there's two speeds.  Sit down and stand up.
Look at Papa, plotting and scheming.  Who knew what he had in store for me today?
Poor baby F!  We just realized this morning that he had a double ear infection!  No wonder he has been so miserable.  But, he might as well get some fresh air and join us for the ride!  Onward, ho!

The little taco has the best seat in the house!
Over the Murray Morgan Bridge.  It just got painted and refinished... doesn't it look stunning?
Hello, Port of Tacoma!

Through the port we went, over hill and dale.  Oh my, this was quite the ride.

This guy did the whole thing in a super-cape and a mask.  Of course he did.
We made it to the Museum for a pit stop.  The food at the Choripan Cafe is a new favorite.  Yum.
Baby catches a quick nap, while to tacos play in the fountains.  No rest for the wicked, however, and we were back in the saddle again.
We made it back to Old Town and grabbed iced tea at the new Treos coffee shop.  The tacos decided some ladybug hunting was in order, and S found a willing participant.
A future entomologist here, perhaps?

These two are the best of buds.
Papa had the idea to go home up the path through Puget Gulch.  I had the idea to go home on the bus.  Guess who won?
This little hiker was such a trooper.  She spent most of the day on the front of Papa's bike, and was excited to finally be "getting her energy out" after sitting all day!

Is it really uphill all the way home?!?  Yes, indeed.  Poor taco.  He even had to carry his own water and snacks!  Can you guess what snack he chose to bring?  Dried seaweed.  This kid is bonkers.
And now for some real fun.  The switchbacks.  Miles and miles of switchbacks (or so it seemed).  Papa's got the baby in front and N's bike on back!  Some sweet and persistent people offered - despite my insisting that they didn't have to - to push my bike up the hill so I could carry N's bike.  Gosh, I love Tacomans.

But, sweating and panting, we made it to the top.  The shade was divine.  It was a hot one today.
To the park for one last hurrah, and then home for dinner. What a day in Ttown.


  1. Oh my gosh! Nig sure was a trooper to ride all that way.

  2. Wow! I am impressed that Nige rode his bike that far! You may have a bicyclist in the making!
    Looks like the whole family enjoyed the excursion. Keep on trecking!
