Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pacific Science Center

 We made a stop at the Pacific Science Center before heading to Circus School.  I was just dying to see F with the butterflies, since he loves, loves, loves bugs at the moment!

 Here we are, double checking that we don't have any escape artists trying to hitch a ride with us on our way out!
 We got really close to a bunch of butterflies today, since we were some of the only people in the butterfly room.

 A lacewing butterfly.  N was the designated identifier, which gave him extra motivation to practice his reading.
 So much to see!
 N was in charge of protecting the butterflies from Meatball Smash!
 Runaway baby!  Watch your toes, folks.  This kid is burning rubber.
 The bug area was a big hit for everyone.  N loves this caterpillar sculpture.
 Bug dinner, anyone?
 Is this what it feels like to sit at our table as a kid?
 This chair is way bigger than it looks.  I felt like a kid again, swinging my feet since they couldn't even touch the ground!
A giant guitar.  A good day.

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