Friday, January 31, 2014

Monkeyshines, 2014!

 We've been waiting all year for this!

 Today's the first day of the Chinese New Year, which means that 1000 handmade glass orbs, glass medallions, glass marbles and other treasure is hidden around Tacoma for the ultimate scavenger hunt.
 We started our search on campus, and I think it's the first time we've ever been there before 8am!
 We checked all our favorite hiding spots.
 Every bush was inspected.
 No stone left unturned.

 No luck on campus, so we headed over to Union Station.
 Go, tacos, go!

 Even Papa got in on the hunt for a few minutes before work.
 Mama was sure that we would find some treasure today.

 Nothing back here!
 No glass.
 Time to refuel.

 Brrr.  It's cold out there.

 Back at it.  Looking at the Transit Station.
 These two had it rough, let me tell you.
 Always time for a group shot!
 Can you see the little bird pecking at the typewriter keys?  This art installation was so gorgeous.
 N figured out that this was a deconstructed piano.  How does he even know that?
 Thought we'd try our luck at the graffiti garages.
 No luck here.

 But S thought some of the paintings looked "spooky".
 How have we never seen this owl sculpture before?
 We checked every bin (except the ones you had to pay for!).

 Another graffiti mural that we stopped to admire.
 And, another new sculpture that we stumbled upon!

Thought we might have some luck on the Murray Morgan Bridge.
 No luck here, but the views were pretty spectacular.
 Hopped on the Link to warm up a bit.

 N and I appreciated a bit of a sit-down!
 S had fun looking out of the window.

 F is waiving goodbye to the Link! 
 We were all just about ready to call it a day, but decided to push on a little longer and take the long way back to campus via the Thea Foss bike path.  N and I tried to count the number of cars on that train coming into the station, we got to 56 before giving up!

 This was F looking up at the ceiling of glass as we went over the bridge.  I'm sure that he thought we had found the mother lode of glass treasure there!  "Too bad those ones aren't part of the treasure hunt," says N.

 To warm up, we came home and made some chocolate chip cookies.
 Baby approved.

 N was such a trooper today.  He got two cookies for all that effort!
And finally, my expert baker who doesn't like baked goods.  What a sweetie that she still helps me make them!  Happy Year of the Horse, everyone!

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