Saturday, January 25, 2014

Olympia, again.

 Don't be fooled.  Google just thinks it's snowing, due to the gray, gray day we got saddled with.  I thought it was funny that our weather is so gray, it can trick a computer into thinking it must be snowing.

 We got their early (shocking, I know!) so got to play outside before the Museum opened.  I can't believe that they talked me into another trip here in less than a week, but they were absolutely beside themselves to return.
 In the crow's nest.
 In the bait shop, I think?
 Playing with Lego.

 Back to the veterinary clinic, of course.  There's so much work to do here!  Wash, wash, wash.  (Wish I could get them this excited to wash things at home.)
 Head Vet in charge.
 Leave it to N to discover the forbidden fruit on the top shelf!
 Brush, brush.  If only P got this much attention.

 Now we're on to building parachutes to test in the wind tunnel.  Very fun.
 Who knew coffee filters and popsicle sticks could be this much fun?
 There's N's parachute, flying just fine!
 S was excited that hers flew right out the top!  That's some pretty fine craftsmanship.

 Here version 2.0.

 F loves to drive, you should have seen the kid he pushed out of the seat in order to get behind the wheel!
 This is a water fountain filled with smoke from dry ice.  It's not too cold, but it's terribly cool!
 My mermaid.  Check out that tail!

 And just a few hours later, the sun is out and we got to play outside a bit.
The driftwood forts that you see in the background are pretty sweet.  All in all, a good day in Oly!

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