Saturday, January 25, 2014

A bright, bright sunshiny day.

 Today we saw the sun and decided to go for a walk.  And walk we did!

 We wandered down to Jack Hyde Park to play in the sand and soak up the sun.
 There it is!  The SUN!!
 We were a bit dazed and confused by it.  The kids asked if it was summer?  Poor kids.  Poor, poor kids.

 S had to lie in the shade - it was getting too bright for her!
 See his archery pin?  He's really gotten into archery these days.
 This guy cracks me up.  Seriously, I just laugh every time I see him!  Do you like his new jacket?  It's a size 5 handed down from a friend, but he just loves it, so why not?
Poor guy gets dragged all over Ttown by me when the sun comes out.  I made him push the stroller all the way down the waterfront and then up the gulch on the way home.  I even sent him into the wilderness to look for a ball we lost last Tuesday.  Do I even have to mention that he found it?  Of course he did.  Good boy, Papa.

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