Thursday, October 3, 2013

History Museum

 We haven't been over to the History Museum in a while, so we decided to spend a bit of time over there today.

 The lighting there is really wonky, so all the pics are blurry and weird.  Their lighting is a lot of spot lights and dark areas and is actually a bit spooky.  S won't walk through there without holding my hand.
 These two are always into something.
 This boatbuilding puzzle gave us 5 whole minutes of peace.
 It's neat that they see big boats like this right outside the door in the Thea Foss Waterway.

 A bit of dressup never hurt anyone.
 The aviator get-up was from our personal collection, but the red coat was a new addition from the Museum's dress-up area.  I think that they work pretty well together!
 There is so much to do here, we only saw a few of the exhibits.
 The one on how factory lines work was a big hit.
 But an even bigger hit was the new fro yo shop downtown.  Weren't we already here once this week?
 He's never sure how to lick that drip on his chin.

 This was his first time holding his own cup.  No complaints from him!
 Seriously, the kid can eat.
 And on the other hand, here's N eating one chocolate chip at a time.
S has her finger up to tell me "Let's don't tell Papa that we had fro yo!" since M had grounded them from sweets before dinner lately because they've been so naughty.  Shhhh - your secret is safe with me!
My little guy is getting so big.
There's campus right across the street.  How cool is that?

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