Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fly me to the moon...

 A quick stop at the Museum of Flight after circus school!

 Off we go to investigate the space shuttle.
 Turns out landing a space shuttle is harder than you'd think.  Who knew?
 Some fantastic models of the first planes.
 She loved pretending that she was a real pilot.
 Until a speaker under the seat made a real engine sound when you touched the stick!  Whoa... hold on to your headband!
 N was a bit nervous, too.  We had to hold hands so he didn't accidentally take off.  Even though I reassured him that it's quite difficult to take off without wings or a tail, he wasn't buying it.  You just never know about these things.
 But if this meatball could blast into orbit, who'd really mind?
 That helicopter was great!
 N couldn't get enough of the space exhibits. He's convinced that our family is going to go into space with a rocket and a submarine and fly to Europa (Jupiter's moon) and drill into the ice to search for water and aliens.  Wonder where he got that idea?
 Look at those little ducklings.
 This hang-gliding simulation was awesome.
 For a kid who never sleeps, that meatball sure is a happy one.
 That papa, on the other hand, is not!
 I'm leaving on a jet plane!
 Guess who has to do everything big bro does?

 As we were leaving...
A real astronaut!
 Thumbs up!

 Oh no.
The gift shop.

1 comment:

  1. They are the cutest kiddos! Growing up so fast....slow down. Looks like they had a fun day!
