Friday, September 27, 2013

Convocation and party

 Today was convocation, which meant a big parade through town in  our gowns!

 Afterwards we all gathered on the staircase.
 I marched with F.  He was a big fan of those drummers behind me.  Wow, they were really loud!
 No rain!
 Afterwards it was the Autumn GIS party at our house.
 We moved the BBQ to the porch.  Who knew that we could fit 30 people on the porch?
 And, no rain!  Yay!
 It must be a party... cupcakes and root beer for dinner!

 All the kids loved playing inside and out.  I can't believe how quickly 10 kids can trash a house.  It was nuts!
This cake used to say GIS is fun.  How sweet is that?

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