Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Circus school

 First day of circus school!

 Everyone was very excited about their new uniforms for circus school.
 These are all the teachers - the tacos tried to guess who would be their teacher for their class?
 Watching the warmups.
 There she goes, off to join her class.  What a big kid.
 Sitting with coach Orville and coach Tom.
 A bit of a run.
 Look at who was just going out of his mind waiting for his class?

 A quick jump on the trampoline.
 And she's all done.
 A congratulatory hug for a job well done.
 And now, a post-class snack.
 Now it's her turn to be the spectator.
 That tongue.

 Just chillin, waiting for his peeps.
 F wanted to know why he doesn't get matching pants.
 This guy was not happy to watch his big bro and big sis and not get to go play with them!
 There he goes, with the big kids now!

 And a run.
 And a jump.
 And a swing!
 Hold on to your toes, so you butterfly legs don't fly away!
 N informed me that the official name for this contraption is a giant scarf.  Good to know.

Looks like we've got a couple of circus performers on our hands.

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