Sunday, September 8, 2013

Birthday Party

 Look who's hard at work, making a birthday card!

What's on the menu for dinner?
 She really did eat a ton of these.  A ton of bubbles - how much does that weigh?
This is Papa's perpetual party face.
"I don't like parties."
Enough said.

 Pizza on the deck.
 Always on the lookout for airplanes these days.
 If there's a sandbox to be found, this little super-taco will sniff it out.
 Bubbles were a big hit.
 These two were born just two weeks apart!
 That tongue.  My, my.
 She loves a flag.
 Hold on...
 Hold on...
 We brought a giant parachute.  It was a big hit.

 Some friends of ours.
These two were so cute together.

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