Monday, May 6, 2013

You are my sunshine!

 Today we soaked up the sun - it was 85 degrees.  Yum!

 We couldn't stay in the yard, however, since we had the world's most grouchy baby.  Poor sickie is still feeling lousy, so we went off to explore the neighborhood.
 And, to pick flowers!
 The sun sure did feel good.
 Hopefully no one will mind that their gardens were missing a few blooms after we went by.
 Being true north-westerners, the tacos wanted to find all the shade they could!

 These giant poppies were popping.

 This spontaneous hand-holding was enough to melt this mama's heart.
 N had to stop to give a bit of a lecture, but look at his parents... who can blame him?

We are excellent at spreading dandelion seeds all over Ttown.   We must have blown at least 10 of them today.
 Plotting and scheming, these two.

 Now time for some grub!

 Strawberry thumb!

And finally, the sick guy himself.  He only wants his Papa lately, which works out just fine for me!

1 comment:

  1. Lovin that 85 degree weather! What HUGE strawberries, from your garden? Poor Fletch, hope those teeth come in fast..... Love the hand holding, Nige is a super big brother
