Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cheney Stadium!

 Look who got a ball at the ballgame today!

 We met up with the Goulds - look how big Hen's gotten!  N was smitten, and followed him around adoringly.
We got to sit on the grassy berm, which was fantastic, despite the fact that I had to wrangle the sick baby all day.
 Baby Ph sure sucked down the root beer.  And the popcorn.  And gummy worms.  Yum.
 The meatball had fun wearing my hat!
 Too short to see over the fence!
 Not to worry.  Big bro N will always help little sis get a peek over the wall.  Even though she is only about 5 pounds lighter than him!
 Walking the sick baby.  Poor little meatball.
 Jessica and Peter having some fun.
 Yep, still walking the sick baby.
 A bit of toss with that hard-earned ball.
 Syl is so big - nine years old!
 Poor baby.  He was a trooper and made it through the day.  It was a hot one - whew!
 Bottom of the ninth... who's going to win?
 Sick baby wins, and we head out before the game ends.
But Rhubarb offered to sign the ball on our way out, so everyone left happy.

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