Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tea time

 Today we harvested some fresh mint leaves from our yard and made a pot of peppermint tea!

 We made oatmeal cookies a few days ago.  Turns out they go remarkably well with mint tea.  And with OJ for breakfast, soymilk for lunch, etc.!
 I like how it looks like S is popping some pills!
 N was determined to sip his tea using the handle on the cup.  He really worked at it, and looks like quite the sophisticated sir, doesn't he?
 Then we headed out to the bank before they closed.  The tacos always get a chocolate coin from the tellers... yum.
 N ran up ahead to cop a squat on this little window sill at the Jr. High.  It looks like perfect little spot to lounge, right?
 Here's Pdog after her perm.  Doesn't she look lovely?

 A stop at the Farmer's Market and we had just the thing for a picnic at the park.  Apples, fresh bread, goat cheese, smoked salmon and apple cider.  We feasted!
 The swings there are always a hit.  N just got brave enough to swing "like Christopher Robin" from Winnie the Pooh.
 I love seeing clothes on F that the other two also wore.  This sweater is a fav.

 The brothers, horsing around.
 Nice socks, F.
 What a crack up.

 Sweet little S, on the hunt for pine cones.
 Making a camp fire.  These tacos sure love to play camping!

 MamMam send $10 for each of the tacos to spend for Easter.  We finally made it to Teaching Toys and here's what S picked out.  It's a little rabbit hutch and a little bunny farmer.  She added some of her other farmyard friends to the mix, too.
 N got a knight helmet that he's had his eye on.  He also found two knights in all their regalia.

 Well, it wasn't $10, but little F really adores this push cart every time we go in the store.  So, happy early birthday, little guy!
 Look out!  He's mobile now!

1 comment:

  1. Look at that little guy scoot on his toes!
