Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mamma Mia. IT'S A PIZZA!

 Despite the cold and rain, the ice cream truck was making the rounds.  We had to show him some love and buy popsicles for the tacos.

 We went over to Met Market for some pizza toppings and when we got home, M's dough had doubled in size!  Better get cooking.
 Look at all those toppings!
 M set out some parchment.  Look at those balls of dough.  Who wants to do some tossing?
 Some lessons on pizza-making technique.
Our in-house pizza chef and expert on all things yeasty-beasty.
 Pizza pies.  Cutie pies.

 Some like it saucy.
 Look at those hats, thanks for those MamMam!  But poor S doesn't have her own apron.  (A good Bday idea, MamMam!)
 This is too much fun.
 This little one wanted to take her time with the sauce.  One drop at a time!
 Walnut oil, mozzarella, pears, blue cheese, roasted garlic and toasted walnuts, and a few splashes of balsamic vinegar.  Mamma mia, what a pizza!

 What to do with the extra dough?  Dessert pizza, of course.
 Butter, brown sugar, chocolate chips and marshmallows.  Tasty.

 This pear-adise pizza was delish.

 You won't fall out of your seat when I report that N preferred the smore-pizza.
 No sweets for this sweetie.  She vetoed the choco-pizza and ate 4 pieces of pepperoni!

 Salumi-salami, roasted garlic, red onions, oregano and fresh basil.  Oh, and lots of mozzarella cheese!

1 comment:

  1. Yum! Matt, you have a new career ahead of you. Pizza Man... I love seeing you cook with the kiddos, what inspiring parents you both are.
