Saturday, April 20, 2013


 The Jr Daffodil Parade was this weekend!

 There was lots to see.
 And we came home with a bouquet of daffodils, too!
 Look at that yogurt mustachio.
 And check out this guy's "police" mustache.  He was outfitted with a police radio, a "torch" (aka flashlight) and all sorts of other necessary police gear.  This taco needs a utility belt!
 Costumes abound.

 This is one heavy wagon.  Believe me... I had to pull it uphill!
 Speaking of costumes, I had to go to a fundraiser and be a celebrity.  Guess I had to get the ol' pink wig out of mothballs!

 I went with my friend, but she decided to buck convention and just go as herself.

 My other friend, who hosted the table.  What fun!

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