Thursday, April 25, 2013


 Well, we finally decided to do it... off with her hair!

 N went first to prove that it wasn't as scary as it sounded.
 A hair wash first...
 Then this funny towel hat.
 Then the cape.
 Snip, snip, snip!
 Sheesh, this kid has a lot of hair.
 Now it's her turn.  Say goodbye to those golden tresses!

 A wash in the sink.
 Scrub, scrub, scrub.
 All wrapped up.
 What a cutie pie.
 Keeping her eyes closed!

 Snip, snip, snip.
 It's hard work to get a perfect line.
 And for the finale, some baby bangs!
 What a sassafras!
 She reminds me of the main character from the movie Amilie.
 Here's this guy's new do.  Yep, pretty much just like the old do!
 To celebrate how brave she was, we decided to have a picnic at the beach with some friends.
 Lots of folks had the same idea!
 Our friends brought a beach ball, which turned out to be the best toy at the beach!
 N could really toss that ball up high!
 Lots of rocks in our sandals, but it was worth it.
 Even the little meatball got in on the game.
 He chased the ball all over the place.
 There's Vashon Island in the background.
 Owen beach is the perfect combination of grass, pavement and beach.  S even found some soft sand buried under the pebbles.
 Mighty, mighty meatball.
 Here's one of our friend's kids.  Only a few weeks younger than F, but much smaller!
 Do you see her tool apron?  She's been loving that lately, especially with so many pockets for shovels!
 And look who is walking with just one hand?  He's almost there!
 A cool relic N found on the beach.
 Driftwood exploration.
 Taking in the view.
 Gotta love that blue sky.
S loves to "have a shop".   She sets up buckets filled with water and plays shopkeeper.  She completely invented this game out of thin air, but it's now stuck around for years!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new "do's" - great way to celebrate the rite of passage! Can't get over Fletch - getting so big - what a cutie!
