Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fort Nisqually

 Today I took the young'uns to Fort Nisqually for their Sow and Sew day.

 This old timer was stationed in the Granary Building and was making an ax handle by hand. 
 He let both the kids take a turn at his project.
 And then he took out a little flute and played us a ditty!  What a sweet old guy!

 There are several different building to explore, and each building has a period-dressed volunteer to have a chat with.

 We played ring toss.
 And this Jacob's Ladder was a real hit with N.
 This hand dug trough became an impromptu kayak.
 Abandon ship!
 Baby chicks were inside this nifty contraption.
 N had to help the laundresses carry their water.

 F helped hang clothes out to dry.
 He was pretty pleased with himself.
 Here's N being the big brother, always with a hand on his sis.
 Everyone was talking about S's hat, and was speculating on whether it came from a pink beaver pelt.
 Here, bro.  Try this grass.
 Hey Mama, you have a bite, too.
 S's turn to haul the water.
 She thought it was pretty heavy!

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