Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cowboys and fairies at the zoo

 Howdy, partner.  Want to go for a saunter around this here waterin-hole?

 Cowboys and fairies out and about.

 When pigs fly?

 Ride-em cowboy!

 His first ride on the carousel.  Baby Zebra, of course.
 One more time?  Pretty please?  Okay.
 Look who's got the best seat in the house.

 Afterwards, the peacocks were out strutting their stuff.  Holding hands for courage - those birds are MEAN!
 Feathers back down.  That's better.
 A bit of climbing is always fun.
 This statue was a perfect hat rest for a bit.
 Lunch time!
 Rice cakes.  Yum.
 Now we can finally go see some animals!

 Penguins were in costume today as well.  Don't they look swell in their tuxedos?
The forsythia is starting to bloom.  So pretty!
 Who can resist the chance to squish a penny?
 Rolling in the grass is always the best part of the zoo.
But someone is taking notes.  He'll be rolling down the hills by the end of the summer, I'm sure!

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