Monday, February 11, 2013

Out for a walk, looking for Spring

The rain has been at bay, so we ventured out for a stroll this afternoon.  A few steps from the house and we made a happy discovery - buds!

First we stumbled on to some budding pussy willow down the street, and the tacos couldn't stop touching the fuzzy buds.

N has been looking everywhere for daffodils, since it means that the Daffodil Parade is almost here.

    A high-five to Tiger-in-Tree and we were on our way.

We ended up at Puget Park for some playtime, and were excited to see we had the whole place to ourselves!  I was holding out hope that we'd find an overlooked Monkeyshine behind the big tree, but no such luck.  I've officially put a zero in my 'shine score card for this year!

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