Sunday, February 10, 2013


Today we hunted monkeyshines.  For those not in the know, monkeyshines is a Tacoma tradition where 100s of handblown glass globes and medallions get hidden around town on the first day of the Chinese New Year.  It's a mystery who makes the globes and who hides them, but folks turn out in droves to hunt them.  We all slept in our clothes so we could make an early exit and begin our hunt.

We struck out to Reconciliation Park and strolled the Ruston waterfront looking for our Ttown treasure.  N was certain that he'd find one under the bushes.

 And even though we didn't come home with any treasure, we couldn't complain about the sunny day and the beautiful view.

N conveniently led us to the beach.
No one complained about a stop to dig in the sand.

Even P got in on the action.
Stopped at the Fireboat, thinking that might be a clever hiding spot for some monkey hi jinx.  No such luck. 

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