Sunday, April 27, 2014


 Today we (finally!) made it to the Wayzgoose letterpress festival in Tacoma.  We've been trying to go for years, and always manage to miss it.  Hooray, we made it!

 We got to press celery and create little books.
 Who knew that cut celery looks exactly like a rose when dipped in ink and pressed on a page?  It's very pretty!

 This was a 100 year old press that the kids got to use to print a note card.
 Here's their finished products!
 We also got lucky enough to do a print of the new Beautiful Angle poster.  This was really fun, since we have many of their previous prints!
 This one required just a small roller, but they had an actual steam roller out back to print large scale prints.  We had a ball watching that thing.

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