Sunday, February 2, 2014

A little stroll

 This afternoon we went for a bit of a walk around town.  We were quite surprised to see the statue all dolled up for tonight's game!

 This walk was one of the first where F was out of the stroller the whole time and running with his big sister.  What a milestone to push an empty stroller for the first time in over 6 years!

 These two are becoming best buds.  S always says that she's doing good sistering when she plays with her little bro!

 Can't catch me...
 You wanna bet?  Here I come!
 And again and again.
 Sticks were found.  Trees were measured.

 Look!  A plane!
 Always smiling, this one.

 Look at those ears sticking out.  Brrr.  Ear pops today.

 The whole clan.
 Still looking for Monkeyshines.  And looking for buds on the bushes.... we found the latter, but not the former.  Hello, Springtime!

 Heading downtown to the ....
 Toystore!  Which just got remodeled and is now twice as big!
 That makes everyone smile.
 Our little airplane hunter.  Wait until this summer when we take him to Gamp's air field!  He's going to die!
 So many new teeth in that mouth, you wouldn't believe it.

We came home and watched Toy Story on the ceiling.  The tacos are obsessed with that movie lately.

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