Sunday, January 19, 2014

A visit to Olympia

 Here we are at the Hands On Children's Museum in Olympia, WA.

 There was much to explore.  It's two stories!
 Turns out a trough full of lentils was the big hit for the little guy.
 That hairdo is achieved by gently massaging organic yogurt into your scalp every morning.  Once you've reached a nice lather, use a spoon to remove most of the yogurt.  Finally, rub a fruit juice popsicle into the ends and allow to dry.  Makes for some amazing texture!
 At least with that hair he LOOKS like he should be driving a dump truck!
 So many buttons and levers and a real wheel.  The kid was beside himself.

 S got to work moving some "heavy" rocks.
 Everyone pitched in.  Why can't I get them to work this hard when it comes to putting their toys away?

 The funniest part of the day was when M discovered the "Build It" room.  No kids were around, and he just started putting together a house!  Maybe all those Little House on the Prairie books are rubbing off on him?

 The tacos finally discovered his creation and were tickled to go inside.
 These air blowers keep all the kids entertained.

This is that fun stuff that you can push your hand through and get the imprint.  What's that called?  Anyhoo, I made their names on it and we managed to get all three done before a baby came up and smashed it! Whew.
 The veterinarian room was S's favorite.  But look out for that skunk... it looks about to spray!

 Papa and baby, together all day long.

 S got a kick out of this owl hutch.
 The water table was fun, too.

 All three joined in in racing boats down the river.

 F almost went in.  But on the up side, at least he'd have clean hair!

 That plumb-bum.  Just love it!
 Police car with real lights and sirens.

 Just as we were leaving, we found the pediatrician room.  S was so excited.
 Who gave this guy clearance to handle the patients?
 N took our orders for dinner.  Can't wait until he really is cooking for us.  (Or at least cleaning?)

Farmer S.  On her goat.

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