Friday, January 10, 2014

Singing in the rain

 We decided to brave the elements and go for a bit of a puddle jump!

 Everyone has their own umbrella, which makes rain walks pretty fun.
They were so excited, I could hardly keep up.
 The umbrellas were only upright about 50% of the time.  Can someone please explain that holding the umbrella on your shoulder sort of defeats the purpose?  I should have called this a parasol parade.
 What do you think we found at the bottom of this big hill?

That's right...
A big puddle!
 Jump, jump!
Splish splash!

 A muddy walk home is quite fun, too.
 Can't wait for these trees to grow some leaves.  Is it almost springtime yet?
 Hello, tiger-in-tree.
 N and his doggie.

We all gave up on umbrellas.  Hoods work so much better!  You'll never guess who was stuck carrying three umbrellas home?

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