Friday, December 20, 2013

The Santa Train

 We've been riding the Santa train for years, it's one of our favorite holiday traditions.

 They have cookies and hot chocolate and you even get to see Santa!  What more could you ask for?

 N is always beside himself with excitement.

 MamMam and Gamps joined us and we were delighted to ride the rails with them.
 Matt always gets stuck with the meatball.  Poor Papa.
 S found this tree, which she declared was the most beautiful tree she'd ever seen.  Eww.
 And, when we arrived at the train museum (the mid-point of the ride) there was snow on the ground!
 You KNOW that that snowball he's making is destined for my back, right?
 I'm not sure how the computer is doing this falling snow thing in this picture, but it's sort of mesmerizing.

 Look at all those big engines at this place.  We decided this was a must-return-to spot.
 Can you see the steam billowing from the engine up ahead?  Four blows of the horn means we have to head back or the train will leave without us!
 This train was just her size.
 This engine was enormous.  We all could have fit inside that tank/boiler/firebox/?.  I obviously need to learn more about train engines.
 N was fascinated by it.

 Little F wasn't sure about being left up there!
 All aboard!

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