Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sunset in Kirkland

 Kirkland sure does have some lovely sunsets.

 That's Seattle just across the bay, who knew it was just one floating bridge away?
 These two did a bit of rock-climbing.  It wouldn't be a day out without some rock-climbing with F!
 Hugs from Papa.
 It took all his willpower to not throw that little one straight into the drink.
 The waterfront here is enough fun for a whole day.
 Especially when you can adventure out onto the boulders and go exploring.
 S was content to stay on the seashore and throw rocks into the water.

 She's got quite a helper these days.
 The kiddos were excited to see this fancy car.  I forget what it's called... a Lamborghini, I think?
 Hot tea and Persian cucumbers.  S thought the food was delish!
 If there are tickles on the menu, this kid is having a double helping.
 Watching F chase the ducks was the best entertainment.
 N was content to stand under this light all night, thinking the big thoughts of a six year old.  Goodnight, Kirkland.

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