Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy Birthday, Babe.

 Today was Papa's birthday.  We were happy to get to spend the day together!

 MamMam and Gamps came up for a really nice dinner out.  Yum.
 MamMam even made a super-dark chocolate torte!
 S wrapped up all her barnyard animals for her Papa.  He had fun setting them all out.

 She did it all by herself... I didn't even know she had done it!
 Here's Papa opening his gift from his parents.  What's it going to be?
 Wow, F is sure excited to find out!
Of our house!  How neat is that?
 Look at how excited everyone is to see what's inside?!

 I love these folks!
It's a bit blurry, but aren't they sweet?

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