Saturday, October 12, 2013

Zoo Carousel Party!

 Today we went to a friend's birthday party at the zoo in the carousel room!

 Papa loves going to kid parties.
 We got to pet Petunia the hedgehog!
 Of course, our future zoo keeper was quite interested.

 Look who's in the background there?

 Hedgehogs have very cute faces!
 The best part?  As many carousel rides as we wanted!

N managed to find the horse with armor.  Very cool.

I am the walrus.
 This was the birthday girl.
A rainbow fairy for the day!
 Everyone wants to ride baby zebra.
And again.
I'm getting dizzy here.

 His party hat didn't last long.
 Time for cake.  This gal's never a big fan of frosting.
 This guy, however, LOVES it.

 He loves hearing Papa blow or hum in his ears.  What a weirdo.
 The new stingray cove is mighty neat.
 MamMam asked for some pics of the super-tacos in their capes.
These next few shots are for you, MamMam!

 It was all I could do to not have Papa toss this little meatball into one of the exhibits and leave him there.  He belongs in the zoo for sure!
 The three tacos.
 Off they go to see the clouded leopards.
 The tiger was out and we got to see her being fed.

 I wonder what we look like from the other side of the glass?
 Probably a lot like this.
 More tigers.
 Bub on DubDub.
 These two turkeys.  What am I going to do with them?
And, finally, the obligatory peacock pic.  It wouldn't be a trip to the zoo without a peacock pic, right?

1 comment:

  1. Oooohhhhh. What a fun time at the zoo party. Except for the PaPa photo. I know how much he LOVES party's. Hee, heee
    Thanks for the cape photos, the cousins will love seeing their cousins in matching super hero capes.
