Monday, October 7, 2013

Rainbows at the kids' museum

 We did adding, subtracting and division with these bizarre blocks.  Very cool.

 These phones are endlessly entertaining for F.  Funny thing is, he's never actually seen anyone actually talk on one!

 They had the run of the place, and even had cornered one of the museum staff as a captive audience!
 Dinos, rocks and trucks.  Happiness.

 Pink flamingos get a lot of love from this gal.
 On the floor.  Where else?

 We made a giant dam and then experimented with water pressure and how to flood the lower levels.  Big fun.
 Negotiating with a toddler doesn't end well if you have ambitions of preserving your block creations.
 That tongue.  Oh my.
 N found this rainbow silk fan and I couldn't help myself.  Many rainbow pics resulted.

 And finally, my favorite one.

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