Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Out for a walk

 We found this mushroom garden sprouting up on a walk to the college.

 We also found a tree that had the most delicious apples ever.  We each picked one!
 They were the perfect accompaniment to our little stroll. Guess who did the whole thing without a stroller?
 Knock me over with a feather.  S managed to find a ladybug.
 We ate them right down to their core.  Yum.

 This little forest glen is a favorite spot to explore.

 Smacking the branches and letting the dew fall seemed to be quite entertaining.
 The sun was just setting, so we got to watch it go down through the trees.
 This tree is the perfect kid fort.  They love to go under it.
 Even F.  Can you see him under there?
 My little S sure is getting big!
 She was perfecting her camera faces today.  This was a frown.
 This was a kiss.
 And here's a smile!
Look at that cutie!
What would I do without this guy holding the dog for me?
Him and his poodle.
I can't imagine him with a different dog.  These two are peas in a pod.

I've never seen him eat down to the seeds!
Sometimes I still catch a glimpse of his baby face, and right here he looks just like he did 5 years ago!

This is shuckface, a graffiti character that appears all over Tacoma.  We are always excited to glimpse him - it's like an ongoing scavenger hunt, Ttown style!
Here's her shuckface.
These two shuckers crack me up.

I've got a family of apple lovers, that's for sure.
Tiptoeing through the tulips.
Crunch, crunch, crunch.
Off into the sunset.
We had fun watching our breath once we really got going.
It was cold out there!
Look at this bunch of rug rats!

These two have been trouble when they get together lately!

Doesn't this one look surreal?
So long, suckers.  I'm outa here.

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