Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

 Here's all the super-tacos!  Ready to go trick-or-treating!

 And there they go...

 Out in their underwear!

 Let's go get some candy.
 Super-heros, every last one of them.
 It was a busy day but we sure did have fun.

 Pumpkin carving was a workout, since we couldn't find our carving knife.  But they sure did turn out nice!
 S was the honorary gut-cleaner.  She doesn't mind the squishy innards.
 F had fun refilling all the seeds that S took out.
 S picked the green pumpkin.


 Papa chose a big, squat pumpkin.

 His had lots of seeds!
 This little guy loved the carving.
 I loved his pre-Halloween outfit.  A turtleneck, a button shirt, a cape and a bow-tie!
MamMam was here to help!  Thanks, MamMam.

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