Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Fair!

 Hey you!  Let's go to the Washington Fair!

 We started out with the geese, ducks and chickens.  Quack, quack!
 7 little ducklings.
 All spiffed up for the fair.  Bowtie and everything, just like his big brother.
 These two held hands all day.
 Pigeons and doves.
 5 day old chicks!
 F's pointing finger sure got a workout today.  He must imagine that we're off in la-la-land, as he's always shocked that we aren't more surprised by what's right in front of us.

This is the soundtrack of our day.
 This chicken had frazzled feathers and baby chicks climbing all over her.  Kindred spirit.
 S could barely contain her excitement over the animal exhibits.  If that girl doesn't become a farmer, I will die of shock.
 The horses were BIG.
 Off to the next exhibit.  I didn't realize that my head wrap looks a bit like a super-cape.  Super-mama... yay!

 A family portrait, of sorts.
The John Deere exhibit.
This will be the only tractor that N ever sits on.

 S will probably have a stable full of these green machines.
 The cows were lazing in the hot weather.  80 degrees today!

 Look at this!  We're at the fair with NO PEOPLE AROUND!  Mid-week fair visits are the best.
 F just found his ears, and loves sticking his fingers in there.  It's like he's pretending to not listen to you.  Does this foreshadow what's to come with this little meatball?

 The divas, as M calls us.

 A real zebra!
I love how N posed for this, with his hands in his pockets.

 This milking station was quite interesting.
 And was made even better with the addition of ice cream.
Chocolate for S.
Vanilla for N.
 But that doesn't mean that they won't try a bit of each others!
 This is one clean-up job that I really don't mind!
 The foot vibrators were such a treat.
 Of course S is eating a hot dog.  Hot dogs are a food group unto themselves for this little carnivore.
 These boots are already starting to wear out - all that scooter riding has worn one sole down to the nub!

 These canoes are always a hit.
 We were shocked and awed by the mutton busting.  Parents put their 4-6 year olds on a real sheep and then let the sheep loose and see how long the kid holds on before falling into the dirt and getting trampled/dragged/knocked unconscious.  This is my new punishment technique...
"Clean your room or I'm signing you up for mutton busting!"

I think it'll be quite effective.
Baby, you can drive my car.
Yes, I'm gonna be a star.
Baby, you can drive my car...
Cause baby I love you.

 They were both pretty tickled to get the pink car!

 The swings were the big hit of the day.

 Hang on to your hats and glasses!

 I took their boots off and they got a kick out of kicking their sock feet on the swing.
 These rockets were awesome.  One person got to be the driver and one got to do the blasting.
 N took his responsibility very seriously.
 I wouldn't want to run into them on the back side of a worm hole in another galaxy.
 They make quite a duo, these two.
Look who finally woke up from the world's longest nap!  What a way to see the fair.
 Hot air balloons.

And away!
 A sunset ride on the hot air balloons!
 M and I were trying to figure out what they were talking about up there.  They were having quite the conversation about life, the universe and everything.
Little grabbers out and ready.
Nothing is safe from these mitts.
 End of the day and still so excited about all the possibilities.
Only one thing will please this one.
And that's...

One more time on the swings!

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