Sunday, September 1, 2013

Mam Mam's Birthday!

 Today we headed down to Longview to celebrate with Mam Mam!

 F ran around like he owned the place, looking just like his Papa on all the pictures on the walls.
 Gamps was happy to give him the grand tour.

 Pinwheels on the ground?
Best baby idea ever!

 Doesn't Mam Mam have the best toys?
 Beads and treasure for Cousin Madison.
 The whole gang on the back porch.  What gorgeous weather for a bbq.

 All the cousins playing together.
 They are always thrilled to get to spend a bit of time with Cousin Madison!
  The blackberry bushes were loaded with berries.  We went picking.

 Mam Mam taught F how to pick something else...
I'll be paying for this when I get him home!
 Look at this fella.
 The three generations.  These three are peas in the same pod.
 Forget toddling.  This guy is running!

 Head standing is hard work.
 For a third kid, this guy is pretty jealous and not very generous when it comes to sharing his parents!
 The patented F flip.
 Over red rover.
 The somersault is proving more challenging than expected.

 Peek a boo.

 Gamps grilled up a feast.
 Dan and Madison are always goofing around!

 Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to Mam Mam...
Happy Birthday to you!
 What do Mam Mam's wish for?
Good night Mam Mam.
Happy day.

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