Thursday, September 12, 2013


 Today we did a bunch of errands, but dropping off the "binders full of M" was our most exciting stop.  There they go... wish them luck!

 A N-sized pressure washer.  He was so excited about pressure washing his own house, and the pooch was pretty jazzed, too.
 Look at our newest Tball player.
 He's got the basics down, but would love it if the ball magically appeared back at the top.  He gets very frustrated having to retrieve the ball once he's tapped it off.  This kid totally has the personality of a labrador retriever.
 This dame got dressed all be herself, and picked out this red velvet party dress for the day.  I love that she put it on backwards and even did the button in front by herself.  The zebra ears and the sword belt were the perfect accessories, don't you think?
Today they got every bath toy in the tub with them.  Three tacos + three hundred toys = good times.

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