Monday, August 19, 2013


 We found ourselves in the emerald city today.  It's been ages since we had a Seattle day, so we poked around all our favorite haunts.

There is an actual hand pie restaurant in the food court there.  I kid you not.  If you wondered if baking mac and cheese in a pie crust was a good idea, the answer is a resounding yes.  Meat pies.  Sweet pies. Oh my.  
The caped crusaders, fed, sugared and heading for an art gallery. Recipe for success, no?
 There's my little super-scooter dude and that iconic space needle.  Turns out that you can only get this much of it in a pic... that thing is really, really tall.  Still haven't gone up it yet, but one day, one day.
 This is the new Sonic Bloom installation adjacent to the Science Center.  The flowers are solar powered and emit this subtle noise that's a bit like quiet chanting/singing.  We were digging it.
 The Pacific Science Center is our favorite stop.

 The tacos were running in circles with excitement.  It's been forever since we were here.

 This was the thick-headed dinosaur, and Papa was tickled that these two not only had matching hats, but also matching head thicknesses.
 Meatball was convinced that we might not be appreciating the fact that we were surrounded by real dinosaurs,  His poor pointing finger almost died from exhaustion in this exhibit.  And that tongue, seriously.
 Over here!  Over there!

 Super baby to investigate.
 Could a dinosaur's feet really be this big?
 N remembers when he was small enough to fit inside this.  He's sprouting up quick and now is officially bigger than a dino's foot!

 Stealing a quick kiss.  I never get to hold this little meatball anymore... he's all Papa all the time.  Kiss, kiss, baby.
 Yes, that's a cockroach.  A giant sort of special fancy cockroach, apparently.  The docent kept asking if I wanted to have a turn holding one, and I kept almost passing out dead on the spot trying to be polite and not let my major heebee jeebees show!
 It's like a really big lady bug!  So sayth my little fearless bug lover.
I wouldn't be the least surprised if she asked Santa for a cockroach, she was that enthralled with it.
 Bees were also a trip to watch.  They have a tube that allows them access to the outside, so they are in the midst of a honey-collecting frenzy.  You can see the honey, the comb, the wax and really appreciate how much work even one spoonful of honey is for those winged wonders.  Still curious about starting some hives here at home, wouldn't that be the bees knees?
 We were looking at these butterflies feasting on oranges and bananas, and I couldn't believe that N remembered that their long mouth/straw/needle is called a proboscis.  That kid is a real sponge, lately.
 Not quite as exciting as robotic dinosaurs.
 This one was gorgeous.  As are S's red boots.  Love those things.
 We went to watch a little movie about air plane racing in 3-D at the Science Theater.  Call me a purist, but I can't say I'm into this new-fangled 3-D thingamajig.  It was nice to take off the glasses and go see the world in 3-D for real.
 Water wheels are hard work.
 This was a super day to be outside with my super heroes.  It was amazing weather, and we have been soaking it up.
 These sprayers are so much fun.  They need a dunking booth where you can spray a target and someone falls in the fountain!
 We made our way over to the big fountain.  It was sort of nuts, there was even someone riding a plastic snow sled down the side of the ramp and into the water - bonkers!
 There's that needle.
 What a mischievous little monster this one is.
 Bow tie.  Vest.  Button shirt.  Cape.  Mask.  Hat.  Boots.
Not sure where his sartorial skills are coming from, but he sure makes it look effortless!
Getting up here was no easy feat.
 Lately he's been finding places to hide that are too good.  I've almost lost him a couple of times!  He's so small and can stand so still and loves to be a trickster.  Not funny, I keep telling him!
 We had some time to kill, so decided to hop on the monorail and head down to the waterfront.  The best 5 minute ride around!
 We went backwards, which was kind of fun.
 Flying fish.

 Ferris wheels.
 Ginger beer.
N's been wanting to try this for a while, and - yum - it was just as good as I'd been telling him.
 A quick little portrait sitting.  N was digging it, and the artist was really fun.
 He even got him to take his mask off, but just for a minute.  Not to worry, his secret identity wasn't revealed.
 He's been doing this new trick where he holds on to the stroller and gets pulled along.  This kid loves his scooter.
 Riding home on the monorail.  This ride is just her speed.
 So much to see.
 F was amazed.
 Watching the world go by.

 This new glass garden looks pretty spectacular.  We haven't seen it yet, but I hope to get a peek inside pretty soon!
Homeward bound.

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