Monday, August 5, 2013

Marcie's Ride

 This little one is a blackberry hunter.  We went for a 12 mile bike ride today and she was finding berries at every turn.

We also found out that Marcie died today - she worked with M and was a great friend to us and an honorary fairy-godmother to the tacos.  We decided to name this ride (over the bridge, through the port, into downtown, through Wright Park, home) Marcie's Ride.
 It definitely made us savor every bit of this delicious day.

 Sunshine and blue skies.  Can't say fairer than that.

 The Water Forest was a great place to hang out and cool off.  It doesn't hurt that it's right next door to our favorite lunchery - Choripan!
 Even the little guy got in on the waterworks.
 This super-hero gear is iconic.  Everyone stops to ask him his super-hero name.  He tells them "I only use my powers for good."
 The two boys, horsing around.
 It's all smiles until...
 someone starts crying!
 And wailing.
 Bet you'll never guess what comes next?
 "Mama!  A REAL pig!  Come quick, it's a real pig!"
 Indeed.  Someone was walking a real pig down at the waterfront.  Folks, meet Jimmy Dean.
 Yep, this piggy loves people.  It was infinitely more friendly than our neurotic poodle.
 Can we trade you a poodle for your pig?
 Ready to load up and move on out.  5 miles until home... and it's uphill.  Ouch.

 The blondie bears.
 I'm always pointing out the old warehouses that are for sale downtown.  Maybe this will be our next remodel.  Can't you already see the indoor zip line and the full sized trampoline in the living room?
Almost home.  This guy is konked out and I'm walking it up the last hill.  Whew, what a wild ride.

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