Saturday, August 10, 2013

Happy birthday to the tacos!

Today we had a popsicle and puppet show party for all these summer babies of mine.

It was a great day to be outside, despite the rain that came all night!

We did pin-the-glasses-on-the-donkeys (whoops, I mean kiddos) and that was quite a bit of fun.
No peeking!
How'd you do?
Super-Pa even wore his new cape, to be in on the action.
Here's the birthday girl herself!
Some kiddos were a bit intimidated by Papa's bandana (and who can blame them?  They've seen that hair before!) so opted to go with a hand instead.
Peek a boo.  Look at all those glasses.  Who was the winner?
He was!
Here are the two peas in a pod.  Now with matching capes.
Hey there, smiley.  What's next at this party?
A puppet show!
Look at these puppets.  Amazing.
This one had 3 little treats for the tacos.
They were enthralled.
Hand puppets for each of them.  Happy Birthday!
No one could take their eyes off the puppets.

This dog puppet was everyone's favorite.
Especially my animal lovin gal.  She adored this one.
Ew.  Dog kisses!
This dog is crazy!
But she can be quite charming, too.
Lick.  Lick.
Even Papa enjoyed the show.
The diva duck was my favorite.
She came right over and laid an egg for F.
Inside - finger puppets!
The doctor was hilarious and told all the kids that they were eating too much junk food.  Guilty as charged, with 8 pizzas sitting on the counter!
Some weren't pleased to be put under the microscope.
This little guy was, as you've probably guessed, fearless.
Even getting his fingers chomped by her beak was fine by him!
S loved every minute of it, except when the alligator puppet tried to bite her toes.  She moved to higher ground - quick!
Howdy, partner.
Look how generous.  Ready to surrender his egg to any cowboy walking by.
"I have lost my underwear.  Haven't seen them anywhere.  Where o where?  Underwear?"
There they are!
Whew, all that puppeting made this guy hungry.
Kids + too much sugar + wooden mallets.  What could possibly go wrong?
Time for some birthday cake!
Six candles?  Can it really be true?
Four for her.
Homemade frosting.  Yum.
One candle for the baby.
Happy Birthday Baby!
Look at F, going for that big cake when I'm not looking!  He got a handful of frosting, what a bugger.
What surprises are hiding inside this lovely cake?
Make your wishes, tacos!  Who knows what a 4 and 6 year old wish for on their birthdays?
This little taco just wishes I would turn around again so he can score another handful of frosting.
Got them all in one blow!
Her, too!
Big brother blew for little bro.  He won't reveal what wish he made for the little meatball.
Polka Dots!
How did that happen?
Guess those pieces were a bit big for the little ones?  I didn't hear any complaints, though!
It did require a bit of concentration to keep it all together.

Whoa!  This tastes awesome!
He devoured every last crumb.
Can I eat the WHOLE THING?!?
The little guy wasn't too sure about the M&Ms.
But he sure didn't want to spit them out!
He was back for more pretty quick.
Hey, this birthday thing isn't half bad!
Look at him actually running here!  Only a year and already fleet footed.  No wonder I can't keep up with him!
Super Papa was chasing him and he sure could move!
Party boy.

Now, for the good stuff...
F was most pleased with his egg.
It opens.  It closes.
The suspense!
We sure appreciated all that shade today!
What'll it be?  What'll it be?
Wow.  I'm more excited than the tacos about some of these gifts!
Is this the birthday equivalent of a lampshade on your head?
Her favorite part of her birthday?
No hesitation.
A new book.  Mama's favorite!
One quick hug.  It's about all I get from this guy anymore.
I'm loving my boys in bow ties.  At N's request, we had to get one for both him AND his little bro.

Time to curl up with MamMam.
So glad she was here.  Thanks for all your help!!

My condolences to your white pants.  May they Rest In Peace.

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to.
And the sun sets on another summer birthday party.  What a day.
Happy Birthday, you tacos.

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