Thursday, August 22, 2013

Cookies and tinkering

 S made cookies with her Papa.  The chef hats actually make the cookies taste WAY better, so they have to be worn at all costs.

 She delegated the batter-licking to her brothers, since she doesn't actually like cookies.  She only likes the chocolate chips, and she has an elaborate way to determine which cookie has the most chocolate chips (by turning it over) and proceeds to pick all the chips out and leave the actual cookie.  The making of cookies is just a ruse to eat chocolate chips, which she wishes we'd let her do without first covering them with cookie batter.
 No complaints about clean up duty.
 Into the oven they go.
 Are you digging these yellow suspenders?
 I couldn't believe how much he shared with the little meatball.  It's good to be the little bro in this family, that's for sure.
 By the end, he was hand scraping the bowl to get his brother all the last goodies.  Aww.  I'll have to remember this when he's sneaking up on his little brother and holding his super cape so F falls over.  That's another favorite past time of late.
 While those suckers were baking, we decided to get out our tinker treasures from Tinkertopia and build some boats for the bathtub.
 A marble cargo ship and a hot air balloon boat!  Let's hope that cork floats.
 This was an unbelievable amount of fun.  That glue gun is magic.
 How cute is this?
 Mama made one too!  But I'm upside down, and this crazy clown/ mad shriner thingie looks even more scary this way, so I'll forgive you if you skip this nutty picture.  It's made from old piano hammers and some medical supplies and other various odds and ends from the shop.
 Cookies are done!
 F can cram in a cookie like nobody's business.  What's Papa doing over there?  Probably hiding so he can sneak an extra cookie while no one is looking!
Have you ever seen a kid less enthused for a fresh cookie?  Poor S.  She just likes her chocolate unadulterated, get this cookie crap out of here!

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