Monday, August 12, 2013

20 minute bike ride

N has been calling our long rides 20 minutes rather than 20 miles.  So, welcome to another 20 minute bike ride.  Our first stop was the soda fountain in Ruston.  Yum.

Then it was down to the duck pond in Point Defiance.  Wheee!  But all this down hill is making me nervous!
The rose garden was amazing.
We even had time to stop and smell the roses.
The super-tacos were on the move today.
This guy picked the yellow roses as best-in-show.
A bit of bow and arrow practice is always a good idea.
His aim is getting better.  Should I be worried?
These dahlias looked good enough to eat.
Could they be lollypops for the fairies?
Lick.  Lick.
Rolling around on the grass.
He still loves a hand to hold.
A stop at Owen Beach.  Remember when we had N's first Bday party here?  It feels like yesterday.
We sure are loving these sunny days.
Oh my - do we have a minute to ourselves with no kids around?
Everyone was hungry.  Time for din-din.
We watched the ferry come and go and then headed back home.  Whew, it was uphill all the way. Ouch!

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