Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mother's Day

 A bit belated, but Mother's Day finally arrived.  We got to spend it with some of our favorite people.

 Cousin M came down to see us and we had a yummy brunch on the waterfront.
 This little taco took care of our bill.
 Drinks are on me, I've got the plastic!
 He's going to be the kid to take to a buffet.  Already he eats more than me half the time!
 Chillaxing with Papa.
 We headed outside to ride bikes and scooters for a bit.
 We picked some flowers, too.
 This little daisy patch was a pretty exciting find.
 S couldn't help herself, she picked flowers by the handful.  
 F wasn't too sure about being left alone with this wild bunch of hooligans.
 Super N.  Ready for some biking.
 These cousins are buddies.
 MamMam brought this rockin glasses to add to the costume box.
 And mustaches for everyone.
 Only N could pull of a mustache at 5 years old.
 Grown-up talk.
 Taking it all in.
 Coming to getcha.
 Cousin M skipping along.

 Taking the new ladybug bike out for a spin.

 Hanging with Gamps was a good time for this little taco.
Snuggling those tacos.  They sure are getting big quick.

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