Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fort Steilacoom Park

 Today we visited a new playground with some friends, called Fort Steilacoom Park.  It was awesome!

 S braved the tightrope walk.
 Here are the tacos in all their regalia.
 It was a lovely day - look at those clouds!

 This little guy had a blast on the swing.
 I even got some help with the pushing!

 N has become quite the adventurer.

 Here's N protecting his friends from the dragon, which - you never know - could be real!
 S is getting more brave, she actually fell off this rock and didn't even bat an eye!

 Ready for take off?
Roger that.
 We have lift off.
 N convinced all his friends to hide while he kept lookout.  He's very convincing, obviously.
 A quick break for a picnic lunch.  Poor little meatball was without his hat today!
 The three amigos all in one place.  A rare event.

 This was the perfect spot to get away from all the little ones.
 And to take a quick nap, undisturbed.

 The park was so lovely.  Look at this little ice cream house?  With a crow on top!
 My little girl is growing up!
 This guy is such a spectacle.  When we first got there he had a whole tribe of kiddos following him around pretending to fall so that they could be rescued by a superhero!
 S was tickled that her cape was blowing out behind her.
 Down the slide!
 Big sis, little bro.

 N with one of his little friends.
 We saw "a real pirate boat" on our way home!  It was beautiful, and N insisted I take a pic so he could tell folks about the pirates stopping by in TTown!

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