Thursday, April 11, 2013

A day in LA

 Our big day in the city started off with breakie at the Pantry.


 We just started walking and found this amazing fountain and decided to investigate.
 Here we are through the looking glass.
 The tacos approved.  And I enjoyed seeing the Ahmanson Theater right across the street, it sure brought back memories.

 Look at this silly girl.  Soaked!
 Even Mama put her toes in.
 F even got to sit in the soup.

 Next, we ventured over to Angel's Flight.
 The old cars were beautiful.
 We rode it several times - it was terribly exciting.  Up.  Down.  Up.  Down.
 N and I went to the top of the sky scraper where I did my presentation.  It was 40 stories tall!
 We ended the day at the LA public library.

Who needs books when you have all this tile to explore?

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