Sunday, March 3, 2013


Today we decided to go for a walk...

We headed through UPS, through some neighborhoods (and found a new paint scheme for the house, eventually!) and found ourselves on 6th Ave.
At the new donut place, with all sorts of fanciness, the likes of which we'd never before seen.
They were, indeed, legandary.

But since little S doesn't actually like donuts (only the IDEA of going to get donuts) we decided that pizza was in order. Because, why not?
Another new shop has opened in town, so we strolled back up to 21st and hit up Sammy's new pizza parlor on the bridge.
Then it was back to UPS, for some hide and seek.

Some adventuring.

And a nap.  For F, not for me.
And then, the crescendo!  (We learned that word today.)  A kids music concert featuring the brass.

The tacos even got to play trombone!  What a day.  And what a walk...

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