Saturday, March 9, 2013

Today in Tacoma

Today we got downtown early - we knew it was going to be sunny!  We started at Union Station and headed out for a day of adventuring.  Are you ready for the journey?  It's epic!

Even P came along for the day.  She wanted to show off her new haircut - doesn't she look fancy?
Super-N opted for his scooter, since he's now officially lost his seat in the stroller.
And we're off.  Over the bridge of glass and into the great blue beyond.
Little meatball is sure fond of his Papa.

Stopped in front of the Museum of Glass to play on the Water Forest
There's the 509 bridge behind N, and the Tacoma Dome, too!
Snack time!
My handsome boys.
Throwing rocks in the water.
Enjoying the Ttown graffiti scene.
S can spot a dandelion from a mile away.
She calls them blows.
N's been climbing everything these days.  A far cry from last year.  When he finally decides he's ready, he's fearless.
I did it!
And off we go again, back down the waterfront.
A quick stop at the Fluent Steps for a closer look.
There's the Murray Morgan Bridge in the background.  Let's go see how the renovation is coming.
A new coat of black paint, new gas lights and even a new pedestrian elevator.  Hot damn!
It wouldn't be a trip downtown without a stop at our favorite downtown toy store... The Learning Sprout!
A new shield for Super-N
And there he goes.
Back to the waterfront so we can nosh at our favorite restaurant.
Did you know one of M's students calculated that a train arrives or leaves Tacoma every 3 minutes?
Just thinking about all that snow on Mt. Rainier.
The new shield was quite coveted.

After all that walking, a sit-down was in order.
The old ship parts are one part abstract art and one part play structure.
Sitting by the dock of the bay.

M's been sweet on P since she gave him a Valentine!
Look at the size of this kid.  How is he only 8 months?
This little taco was a trooper today.  No complaints from him.
Lots of smiles.
Finally - yum! - dinner at Social.  They've got the best food in Ttown, and the view isn't too shabby, either.
The owner even brought P a bucket of water.  Super-N got to dance while we ate.  Maybe that's why he's the one who fits into skinny jeans?
Poor Meatball.  By now he was really insisting on a nap and a break from city adventuring.
By the end of the day, P was almost enjoying herself.  Almost.  Everyone else thought she was pretty swell.  I'm thinking of wearing a Tshirt with the word POODLE and an arrow pointing to her, to save myself from answering the "What kind of dog is that?!" question every 10 minutes!
Special request from S: cupcakes at Hello, Cupcake.  A chocolate one for her, of course.

A family of cup-cakers!
Even the Meatball gets some.  Carrot cake, again!  Whew, what a fun day in Tacoma.

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