Wednesday, March 27, 2013


 We went to meet Dawoud Bey today, for a portrait session.  He was doing pictures at Urban Grace Church, which is a landmark in Tacoma and does a lot of social activism for the community.  This was the room that the picture was taken in - it was totally empty but for a few chairs and some pretty terrific light streaming in.

 Turns out that Super-N wasn't going to do the pic after all, since Dawoud only photographs adults.  He selected M instead, so we'll have to wait and see if that picture is selected.  If so, it'll be hanging somewhere in TTown for the next century!  Pretty cool. We decided to explore around town while we waited for M.
 We stumbled onto this little park on S Fawcett Ave. called McCormick Park, after first hitting up the fire station.  We even got a tour of a paramedic truck and all their gear from the paramedics that were there.  Stickers and other goodies, too.
Finally Papa arrived!

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